Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ten Things We´ve Learned this Week

10. We know who are good friends are...the ones posting on our blog !! ;) Please refer to Beth´s post for proper blog formatting.
9. Lamas and Alpacas may look almost the same, but to Peruvians there is a HUGE difference...Alpacas taste good :( ( Ann and Sarah wanna take an alpaca home)
8. While we are told to drink lots of water to help with altitude sickness...we did not keep in mind the conditions of the restrooms we would be encountering ( hole in the ground...see below pic). Drink wisely!
7. Cacti are very edible and make great mixers for alcholic beverages!
6. Two bottles of wine, five entrees, appetizer and dessert at the Ritz in Peru = $60 total...not so bad when your sick of Peruvian food!
5. Full body swimsuits exist... ( what we learned at the hot springs).
4. Native shamans still recommend rubbing a guinea pìg over your body until it dies. You then must disect it to see where the bad/black area is and this will then tell you what organ is ill. Anyone want to try and let us know if it works??
3. If you`re in a hurry to the alter, don´t marry a Peruvian. All couples must be engaged for 2 years to see if it will be successful before they marry.
2. Although the Spanairds were not always very nice when they invaded the indigenous people of Peru, they did have some really good ideas and great architecture. ( Check out Arequipa..pics to come).
1. It is possible for four girls ( living in close quarters, no alone time, different traveling styles... and tummy troubles) to still like each other after ten days of traveling Peru... but we´ll update that in a month!

-By the way, the boy in the picture is our new friend Bradley from Austin, TX- Not bad scenery for a few days ;)


Amanda Lloyd said...

Since I see there has been some complaining about poor posting, I will attempt to improve.

I may not have told you Sarah, but my crap-tastic managers at this apartment have yet again managed to royally be really dumb! In the last batch of major storms that hit the midwest, my windows (both bedroom and family room) managed to find ways of letting the water in. But not just any small drippage. Oh no, it was like the rainforest in my bedroom. I am happy to report that no such rainforest animals have moved in.

Oh, and at HOBY this weekend, I roomed with a girl who grew up in a house in Abbey Springs. Not only in Abbey Springs, but on St. Andrew's. Small, small world...I told her that when she visited her parents this weekend, to say hello to the house. I'm sure it misses you all!

Also, I'm still in disbelief that we cannot have a conference call and see everyone via camera. I'm going to try and figure that out.

That's all I got. I live in Milwaukee...there's just not much going on :( I'll try better next time!

Hope you are all having so much fun!

Rob said...

Hiya Sarah and all we are very glad to hear about all your adventures (and misadventures). The pictures are great and the kids think they are very cool. I just got back from New York (charter) and am getting ready for sleeping as I am quite tired. 2:00 am start today. We have been quite busy getting in touch with contractors as we are getting quotes in preparation to "gut" the outside of our house. New roof, siding, windows, doors, etc... We look forward to reading more peruvian travel stories soon.
Love, Rob Melissa Jacob Shannon

Unknown said...

If we keep you up on the all the stuff going on here and you keep us up on everything you're doing there, we'll have nothing to talk about when you're back. Hence, my silence... and with silence, proving myself to be a lasting friend. I can't help but be logical. ;) Keep on truckin'

Matt said...

Wait.. If you rub a guinea pig on your body and it dies - does that mean that you girls aren't showering any more either? ;)

I agree that the lone male might be nice to look at - but I'm still awe-struck at how good Ann looks with her hair pulled back!

Great day in Chicago - going to try to frisbee golf this afternoon I think!

Check your email and watch the powerpoint show about Dubai - it's incredible!


kkaleeli said...

I volunteer to try the cuy experiment! Les mando un abrazo!

Unknown said...

My uncle is actually looking into buying a few Alpacas for an investment. (Don't ask.) If it comes to fruition, you can go and visit them. He lives in the Rock, so they'll be close.


Unknown said...

Oh yea, and thanks for making me part of the top ten. I rule! V, your just jealous.

Lynn said...

Hope your travels are going well and your new adventure just as beautiful as others you have experienced.

Sycamore has been good ... finally good temperatures and sunshine!

It looks as though I need to get back out to Grandma and Grandpa's to give them another lesson in commenting on your blog. I see that they have not been very good :). I am keeping them posted.

Big fishing picnic this Saturday on Fairway Lanes. I think the group is going to be on the small side ... maybe 30. I don't know if Grant will attend or not, but we have extended an invitation to him. Doug and he are still trying to connect for a game of golf.

Emily started her spanish class at Kishwaukee College last night ...6:00 - 8:45 p.m. It makes for a long evening, but I got smart and downloaded a couple of movies to my Itouch. She seemed to think the class was ok. I took that as a major positive and I'm sure she'll be ready to converse with all of you when you get back :).

More later. Be safe and have fun.

P.S. Love the pictures!

Mean Eileen said...

you guys look like you are having so much fun! where are the pictures of the springs? and did any of you buy the full-bathing-suit? more photos, please!

Kevin; Linda said...

Hi Ladies, I love "The 10 things you learned this week". Anybody learning any spanish? It sounds like you are all having the adventure of a lifetime. I wish I was there, but it is great to see your pictures and hear your stories. Have a great time and STLG, Love, Mom Crowley xoxo

Tracy: Dad and I got our shots for China-just Hepatitus A and Tetenus. Piece of Cake

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ann, Hope all is well in Peru, I can't beleive all the updates here! I wasn't aware Peru had internet yet... interesting!

I hung out with Matt & crew this weekend in Chicago, weather was amazing had a great time!

Talk to you soon!

Rachaelmarie said...

Awesome pics...they are very entertaining. I know I couldn't do what you girls are doing so it is great to experience it through you. Have a great time and I will keep watching and posting.

Melissa said...

There are so many people leaving comments that my little comment might just get lost in the mix. :-) Trust me...there isn't anything going on here that is as exciting as what you all are doing in Peru. I can't wait to hear more stories of the new friend Bradley. He doesn't look Peruvian though...

lgoltz said...

Hello, ladies. I have been trying to post on the blog several times, and have been booted off "incorrect password" - What?? It hasn't changed since the first. Oh well, I'll try again. Your pictures and comments are pretty amazing. This will definitely be a life-changing adventure for you all. Grant came home for Father's Day - a good day golfing and eating. I guess Tyson has been pestering Grant at night....as cats have a habit of doing. We all leave for Minnesota next week for our vacation. Not as exotic as Peru, but will be good to get away. Take care - stay safe. Linda and Lyle

Joyce Mathey said...

Hi girls, wherever in the world you are!?!?!? I love looking at this blog, and I am anxiously awaiting more photo updates and/ or comments or a call from you all! It is thrilling to be sharing your adventure with you through this blog. Nothing much exciting happening here, no skunk sightings on Wed. or today, thankfully. Just enjoying the beautiful weather, not too hot, not too windy, ...just watching our garden grow. LUV, LUV, LUV you! mom

Aunt Lori & Uncle Ricky said...

Sounds like a great time! I can't wait to hear about the jungle adventures.

I'm not surprised that Tracy survived the airplane ride...after all jumping out of planes prepares you for that!

Keep posting and we'll keep on writing.

Rachel said...

I didn't want to be tagged as "not a real friend" so I'm making sure to leave a comment! I read your blog when I'm on conference calls at work, so I'm generally not able to type anything, but I do read it!

It's very interesting! You girls are quite adventurous and I'm glad to live vicariously through you and not have to have the adventure myself!

BTW, who is the other rachaelmarie? That is strange...that is my name except w/out the a in "Rachel". If she married my brother she would be me!!