Friday, June 13, 2008


Wow, what an amazing couple of days. We don´t have much time to tell you everything but here is a top ten list of the most memorable moments-
10. All the wonderful restuants that cater to Americans.
9. The Hostel we stayed in last night for $5, maybe not the best accomidations.
8. Getting over all digestive ailments.
7. Not getting shat on by the thousands of birds at the Islands de Ballestas.
6. Surviving a 2 hour ride in the dark in a 1968 Bel Air, Yeah!
5. Riding in 4x4´s through the desert and diving down sand dunes (then sandboarding straight down the hills)
4. Recovering from blowing chunks or almost blowing chunks in a 6 seater plane over the Nasca lines.
3. The beautiful views on the desert and the coast.
2. Our own Jesus Christos (acutally Jesus Durrand) who hooked us up with an amazing people who have taken us from place to place and guided us throughout Peru.
1. Realizing that we should not pose as ¨backpackers¨ because we are higher maintenance (then we thought)!

Miss you all,
More to come!

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