Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pachacamac- Day 3 After a well needed day of "rest/recovery", we decided to venture out to an Incan ruin site ( Pachacamac), a shared spiritual site where the Incan's worshiped and sacrificed to the gods. It is located 30 km outside of Lima. We summited the Templo del Sol (the highest pyramid) and after catching our breath got to see a spectacular view of the ocean. Now, the ruins were interesting and all, but more interesting, or should I say adrenaline-producing, would be the bus ride to get to the site. Thousands of buses can be found on the streets of Lima- most are private buses owned and operated by locan "Limans". Therefore, they feel it is a race to get the most amount of people on and off their buses in the least amount of time. After asking a police officer where to get the bus to Pachacamac, he kindly escorted us three gringas to the bus and proceeded to tell us to hide all of our valuable items (we already knew that of course). The bus ride, like the taxi, was intense... the driver waits for the last second to hit the brakes and then floors the accelerator before anyone has even gotten close to taking their seat. After adjusting to the bumpy ride, we had the chance to look out the window and see the real part of Lima- the poverty. Tiny ranches, some without roofs or doors, lined the hills outside the city. As far as we could tell, there wasn't any running water or electricity...culture-shock. It was an eye-opening bus ride in more ways than one. We made it back safely to our modern little suburb of Miraflores and enjoyed every second of it!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Hey Ladies! So glad you are having fun and visiting interesting places! I love the pictures of the funny dogs. Can't wait to hear more about your adventures! Be safe!! Have fun! Dawn