Monday, June 23, 2008

Amazon Adventures Sidenote

We had a great weekend in the Amazon and have been working hard to give you guys a show...a slideshow! Check out the slideshow AND by clicking on the pictures at the top right you can make it bigger AND see our headings:)

Also: For many of you who have been having technical difficulties in the posting department, we have fixed a little glitch in the posting system. You no longer need to be a registered user or have any affiliation to leave a comment, so now there are really no excuses.

Kelly: You are getting closer in correctly leaving a comment and we appreciate your effort but we are confident that Adam didn't have anything to do with that comment. Good luck in your future blogging pursuits!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...I can't believe those rain forest pictures. It looks so cool! However, I am now convinced that you ladies are a little coo coo! Eating termites...yum! ;) I wish I was that adventurous!
Thanks for the blog encouragement...I think I am getting closer!
Can't wait to see more :)
Love Kelly