Thursday, July 3, 2008

Betcha Didn´t Know...Little Known Facts About Peru

1. Peru has 37 different types of corn...big, small, black, white, yet corn tortillas cannot be found ANYWHERE!
2. It is not surprising to see or almost run into random farm animals that graze on the sides of the roads.
3. Every city, no matter how run down or depressing it is, has a well-mantained central plaza where the people gather at all hours.
4. If you are a local Peruvian you could ( if you choose so) purchase 100 avocados, mangos, or papayas for the reasonable price of 20 soles ( 7 dollars). About the same price that Jewel offers for a two for one deal!
5. The Alpaca ( a llama-type animal) in Peru is practically the equivalent to the cow in India...though not exactly considered sacred, the alpaca is essential to their society. Oh, did we mention they eat Alpaca as well :(
6. If you thought the company Daewoo was going out of business ( I never see those cars in the US), think again...90% of the taxis in Peru are tiny Daewoo tin cans on wheels, but I bet they get great gas mileage!
7. Hundreds of stray dogs of every size and breed crowd the streets of every Peruvian city- and we just want to take them all home :(
8. Guinee pig( a member of the rodent family) ( Cuy) is a delicacy here...yum!
9. Peru is not the place for the carb-conscious. Almost every lunch and dinner is served with atleast 2-3 different types of grains...white rice, potatoes, and bread.
10. Just in case you were wondering, it does not appear that the toilet flushes the opposite way.


Anonymous said...

Hola!! I´m in the Lima airport, everything has gone exceptionaly smoothly! I met this great guy, David, in the airport and wanted to give you guys his blog: He gave me some great s.american trip ideas. You may want to see some of his pics from boliva, buenas aires, chile, etc. while you are planning your next trip! Miss you guys already, hope you are having fun! Tracy :)(The missing Peruvian)

Miss Hanna Rae said...

Hi girls!

I have been internetless all week but I wanted to wish my big sister a belated happy birthday!!! I had a really fun week at Vandercook college of music where I took an American Folk Instruments course--4 days, 10 hours a day, learning banjo, mandolin, guitar, harmonica, and dulcimer! I know, only a weirdo like me could love a class like that, but it was awesome. This week I plan on hitting all the museums (I recently found out as a teacher I can get in free to ALL of them!). I hope you girls are around your computer at 3ish, I'm going to Jen Braser's for a little craft day and we wanted to skype! Hopefully it will work out! Everyhing sounds so exciting and wonderful, and I'm very proud and impressed on how well you girls are keeping up with the blogging!! Take care and I hope to talk to you soon!

Lots of love and hugs,


Tracy Crowley said...

Me again!! Hi from the flipside! I arrived safely, right on time (one connection had us running through the airport)! It is surreal to be back! My condo feels like a manchine! I'm going to ravina tonight so hopefully that will be relaxing. You guys better keep doing cool stuff, I am watching you VERY CLOSELY :)


Lynn said...

Hello, three remaining peruvian travelers. It sounds like Tracy has landed back in the states and gotten right back into the U.S. way of life. Ravinia on her first night back?? or did I misunderstand?

Hey Sarah ... maybe you want a Daewoo when you get back?? Do they make them here? Gas mileage is really important these days.

Not much new in Sycamore area. I will let Doug report on the sports updates, but all is well.

Grandma and Grandpa were over for dinner tonight and they pass along their hello's. They are both doing well.

Emily is at Kirkland fireworks tonight, Doug is watching a movie in the movie theater, Osito is sound asleep (he had a bigger than usual day ... playing) and I am catching up on computer communications. I think Osito has the best evening activity. :)

Hope you had a great day. Look forward to hearing from you soon!


Unknown said...

Morning ladies - the trip continues to sound fun, and I hope you're all able to find stuff you can eat! Sounds like it might be tricky.

Things here are good. I had KK, Becky, Rachel, Namir and a couple friends of KK's over for a 4th of July bbq and I don't think it's arrogant of me to say it was a swell time. We just chilled and chatted in the backyard - Namir made a YUMMY guacamole which I proceeded to bring to my parents house for their bbq on the 5th. Needless to say, he is now very popular in the Vanderah household.

My parents bbq was fun too - we took the kids to the pool and had a blast. They're so cute that I'm completely reduced to cliche in their presence.

Well! Now I'm off to run a few errands and meet Kim for lunch before heading to Cirque du Soleil tonight (so excited, I can hardly tell you). Have fun!


Matt said...

How dare they revoke the corn tortillas! What is an ignorant american to eat? Sounds to me like I'd probably like the dinner options though, carb-overload!

Please don't stash any dogs in your bags, my pup is pure and innocent and could pick--up nasty habits from such an experiences street animal!

..and I miss Ann..